Thursday, February 19, 2009

Is that you....???

So, for the past few days I have felt flutters and "bubblings" and whatnot. I wonder every time... "Is that you, Lil' Tot?" Not sure if it is, but I sure can't wait until I can feel the babe moving and know for sure that is what it is!

Monday, February 9, 2009

15 weeks

"Your baby now measures nearly 4 inches from crown to rump, about the length of a Kit Kat "finger" (regular-size, not the Big one you get at the movies), and weighs almost 2 ounces.
Although many women don't start feeling the baby move until the 17th week (or later), your baby has been having his own party in the amniotic sac he calls home. If you feel a little flutter in your belly this week, don't discount it as gas or hunger. It could be your babe banging around.
Here's more to look forward to:
Baby's head is now resting on his well-formed neck instead of directly on his shoulders like Igor.
He's beginning to grow eyebrows and eyelashes this week.
The hair on the head also begins to grow.
Although baby's eyes are sealed shut, he's now able to sense light. His eyes and ears finally look like real baby features now. "

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Spoke too soon...

So, I threw up yesterday......... and today..... guess I might not be COMPLETELY past that stage.... but, that's alright. I can deal with it :) As long as that little Tot keeps growing! Oh, and I also had to change the date of my ultrasound to March 5th. Darn. I know it is only a week later, but still..... Guess I should have made sure Steve didn't have class when I scheduled it originally. I guess he wants to be at the appointment for some reason..... strange... hehe.

Monday, February 2, 2009

14 weeks... and the Heart is still BeAtiNg!

Well, I'm through the first trimester....
......not throwing up anymore....
....and the doctor says all is looking good!
I think I can start to actually enjoy the experience now without worrying as much!
I don't think I'll ever stop worrying completely, but at least I can feel a bit more at ease knowing I've made it this far!
I scheduled my ultrasound for February 26th and we'll be able to hopefully find out if it is a boy or a girl at that appointment! How exciting! It is all starting to feel so real now!

Little Robby Toller